应电子与信息工程学院邀请,3月16日下午,挪威科技大学终身教授王皓在湖光校区科技楼604为学院师生做了题为“Some recent topics about AI(人工智能发展趋势)”的学术报告。报告会由学院院长付东洋教授主持。学院领导、相关专业教师及学院研究生、本科生聆听了报告。
王皓教授首先从自身经历说起,与大家交流了国外留学经历,向大家分享了挪威科技大学(Norwegian University of Science and Technology,NTNU)校区美景以及唯美的北欧风光。接着王皓教授深入浅出的讲解了机器学习的基本内容,讨论了机器学习(Machine Learning,ML)与深度学习(Deep Learning,DL)的关系以及深度学习目前的应用领域。然后,王皓教授重点讨论了Data ownership and privacy(数据安全和隐私)、Black box – Interpretability(神经网络的可解释性)、Vulnerable to adversarial perturbations – Robustness(神经网络的可攻击性)、AI Ethics(AI伦理)和Edge AI(边缘计算)等话题。
报告会上,王皓教授耐心的回答了师生提出的问题,热切的询问了大家的科研生活,鼓励大家多交流,既要有刻苦努力的精神,也要有灵活的社交能力;同时王皓教授也和大家分享了目前人工智能的发展方向,结合我院学生的专业特点指出人工智能与海洋、农业的结合,要做到推陈出新,跨领域、多学科的交叉应用;就未来学生的科研方向这一问题与在座师生进行了热烈而充分的讨论,报告在热烈的掌声中圆满结束。本次学术报告使师生们了解了学科前沿,开阔了学术视野,启发了科研思路。(王焕 报道)
Dr. Hao Wang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science in Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway. He received his Ph.D. degree and a B.Eng. degree, both in computer science and engineering, from South China University of Technology, China in 2006 and 2000, respectively. His research interests include big data analytics, knowledge engineering, industrial internet of things, and safety-critical systems. He has published 160+ papers in reputable international journals and conferences including IEEE TKDE, TIE, TII, IoTJ, TCAD, TGRS and ACM CSUR. He serves as the editorial board member and guest editors for several international journals. He served as a TPC co-chair for IEEE CPSCom 2020, IEEE CIT 2017, ES 2017, IEEE DataCom 2015, a senior TPC member for ACM CIKM 2019, and reviewers for many prestigious journals and conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM. He is the Chair for Sub TC on Healthcare in IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Informatics.